The project was located within a farm complex of historical buildings. The new accommodation included separate business units, training and meeting facilities. The facility also included a reception / exhibition area and amenities including staff and visitor parking. The unit also included a fitness studio and changing facilities. The main aspect of the building was its Renewable Energy scheme, which provides the building with all of the possible renewable energy available by using biomass, wind, solar, ground and air conditions.
Incorporated into the building is a display screen to showcase the technologies used in the building. CORE’s aim was that this display of renewable energy solutions installed will enable individuals and businesses to make accurate, sustainable and cost effective decisions to reduce their carbon use.
Renewable energy included within the scheme includes, wind turbine, solar panels, photovoltaic cell array, ground source heat pump, air source heat pump, grey water recycling and biomass boilers (of which GD Strawson is a leading supplier of wood chip and pellets for biomass boilers). The building achieved a BREEAM rating of Excellent.
DSA were appointed to complete the design, planning works, detailed drawings and on-site attendance.